Slice of film podcast
What is this Podcast?
Slice of Film is a podcast where I’ll take a slice out of a film with a guest. It might be an older film, it might be a new film. Most of the time it’ll be a film I haven’t seen before. It covers a wide range of genres, and we’ll go in depth to the film of choice. The show ends with a quick look into what films me and the guest have watched recently and where you can find them. I’m always willing to cover anything, so if you’re interested in coming on the podcast, let me know!
Slice of film Episodes
Star Wars Alliance podcast
What’s this Podcast On?
This podcast is the place for your galaxy far far away news on the Geek Ultimate Alliance Network. Hosted by myself and Nathan Odinson, we will cover your favorite items of Star Wars, as well as touch on any recent news.
Star Wars alliance episodes